Man's cruelty to Man
Many people are very cruel to people. Murders have been committed & lives have been taken away. Cunning businessmen have conned poor folks out of their money. Politicians have silenced opposition by killing them. Human rights & human freedom have been taken away from many people in the past & present. Racism abounds & the upper class oppresses the lower class. Unfairness abound & there is no justice. Folks die in the streets & alleys with nobody to care. Religious persecution are plenty & people kill in the name of God. Big brother states spy on the commoners & lock up or persecute those who threaten them. Evil is aplenty & sins abound.
But God's grace abounds more. All bcos of Jesus Christ. He is the most lovely Man being willing to die for our sins. Without Him nobody can be justified & all will go to hell. This is such a wicked world, plenty of wicked people. Souls are lost forever to hell but many are also saved in heaven. God is waiting for the world to repent & turn from its sins. But many don't. There is a limit to His grace. Man has been cruel to man & God knows. He is coming to punish those who perpetrate evil. Jesus is coming to set up His kingdom on earth.
Were we all born good? If so, why so much evil? Can good really become evil? As we said, a leopard cannot change its spots. So are we actually born sinners so we sin? Is it our nature to sin? Yes, we are born sinners. We have the original sin even if we are a good man or woman. Only God can save us thru Christ. Our souls are priceless but humans treat them cheaply. People live without dignity or basic human rights in many countries around the world. I pray Jesus comes quickly to settle everything. I pray people work towards a fairer & better world before He comes to call people into account for what they have done to others. God bless!
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