Demons and angels
God created angels in the first place but Lucifer the leader of the angels and a powerful archangel chose to rebel and led 1/3 of the angels away from God. There was a great war in heaven and Lucifer now called Satan is banished out of the third heaven and exiled to the second heaven. Third heaven is where God is but the second heaven is the cosmos and universe that we are under, so satan is here to torment us and lead us astray. He could still access God's throne in OT times but after Christ Jesus was risen, he no longer had access but he came down to earth together with his demons to attack Christ's followers and the Jews, God's people. But Jesus is here in His Holy Spirit among believers and He raises a standard against the gates of hell and they cannot prevail. The 2/3 of angels left are also here to help the believers. They also act as messengers for God. So there are more with us than those who are against us. Since the Holy Spirit of Christ is in believers, so He who is in us is greater that he(satan) who is in the world. Do not love the world for what profit does a man get if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul? Demons and angels are real and there is war in heaven right now, albeit second heaven. Demons are still trying to lure people away from God and cause temptations. But God is drawing all men to Himself thru Jesus. Many psychics who follow so-called "good" spirits are actually following evil demons and spirits. Only God's Holy Spirit is good and holy. The rest are all deceivers leading people to hell. I pray all will come to faith in Jesus and be filled with His Holy Spirit and not listen to demons or be blinded by them. I pray in Jesus name unbelievers'eyes will be opened to the supernatural happening and see that Christ is true and the only Savior for all. God is spirit and we can only worship Him in spirit. We need to be born again spiritually to enter heaven. This can be achieved by believing in Jesus as the Messiah and Saviour and making Him Lord of one's life and repenting of our sins. Come to Jesus. Now is the day of salvation. Why wait?