Can We Become Victims Of Optimism?
Yes, can we be too optimistic in our thinking? I think yes! While optimism is good for health, performance, adverse situations etc, if we don't temper it with some pessimism or realistic thinking, we might become too idealistic or ignorant of the potential dangers around us. I give an example. Consider a bridge which is actually broken & surrounded by a heavy mist so nobody can see clearly & anyone who walks on the bridge halfway will fall into the canyon below.
Consider a man standing before the bridge lying to people & otherwise optimistically motivating people to walk on the bridge by claiming the bridge is very good transport pass the canyon. Blah blah blah... Anyone who comes to this bridge will be motivated to walk onto the bridge even if they have misgivings at first. They will be "psychoed" out of their fear by the pep talk & start walking onto the bridge. But midway, they will fall down into the canyon & die in the end. They all have optimistic thinking but false hopes.
Same it is with the end times. People will be going abt their work, earning lots of money, enjoying themselves etc, thinking the good times will last forever & not wanting to see the world for what it really is. I heard many people say tomorrow is going to be better to motivate themselves. There's nothing wrong with this but tomorrow's not going to get better. Blame the mad devils & evil men & our sins. Never blame God. So what will happen then? They will be caught unawares when the Great Tribulation strikes & Jesus comes back. They will miss the rapture & endure the Antichrist's despotic rule. Then their optimism is misplaced & all might just be too late. I hope people will just temper optimism with a bit of reality & practicality & see the world for what it really is.
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