Is Porno Bad For Health?
Hello there. Now abt pornography. Is it bad for health - meaning physical, mental & spiritual health? Many people say it isnt. But still others say it is. For my own opinion, i think it's bad for physical health bcos too much hormones excreted on masturbation & sperm release. The body has to make up for the sperms lost & sex hormones excreted. Will this cause a load on the glands & testes etc? No one knows for sure but if we keep abusing our bodies & not taking care of it like resting etc, then sooner or later it's going to break down. So i suggest after masturbating, ppl should rest well & eat well to replenish the energy & chemicals & sperms lost. Better still don't masturbate!
But i still think bad mentally & spiritually which directly affects our physical well being. Bad mentally bcos keep watching nudity, sex, perversions etc will cause mind to be influenced. Images of these graphic scenes will keep playing in mind & cause lust to come. Thinking of nothing but sex & more sex. So will do more sex causing further mental & physical degradation. It is also bad spiritually as it's sin or sexual sin. God hates sin. So bcos of sin we get separated from God who gives life. So danger of spiritual death & resultant physical death. I pray ppl will think thrice before watching porn.
Maybe i will like to hear some of your comments for or against or otherwise. Thanks.
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